WFDIF uses the Digital Intermediate technology which connects “old” film technology with modern computer techniques. We employ it in the digitalization process of analog images, the digital processing of the image and correction as well as regeneration of analog content on film stock or the screen of a television monitor.  

Our equipment allows for:

  • digitalization of source material from analog carrier devices as well as digital in a variety of formats, from film negative and positive.  
  • “on-line" editing on the basis of editing list provided and material edited "Off-line";
  • colour correction of film material suited for output carrier.
  • scrubbing source material  of image flaws caused by dust, scratches, stains, long-term storage in adverse conditions. Restoration of film archive materials; adding film editing effects and animated credits;
  • production of film “master” in the form of a film negative, in electronic format analog or digital in standard TV and HD resolution (1080i, 1080p (24p i 25p), 720p);
  • making of promotional materials for film production: television and cinema trailers to be distributed through television, Internet, cinemas and DVD.

WFDIF owns a wide assortment of operator equipment including digital cameras, lenses etc.